
Saturday 8 March 2014

#MySexySaturday Succulent Treats...

Welcome to the 39th week of the My Sexy Saturday blog hop where a group of authors share 7 paragraphs, 7 sentences or 7 words of a published work or a WIP.
This week we’re talking about bump n sexy. It’s all about the hard and fast sex that our characters decide they need. You know what we’re talking about…the hard and fast grind against a wall, on a counter or maybe even on a piano. There is nothing like those scenes that tell you the hero and heroine just can’t get enough of each other. Is it so rough and fast there’s little time to declare their feelings? At that moment, does it even matter how they feel?
Jase and Lainey forego lunch for some more succulent treats...

  Rock Me Gently....

Lainey was already there waiting patiently in the driveway when he pulled up. God she looked beautiful. How did she just keep getting better and better-looking? Today she wore a classy double-breasted navy dress with gold buttons, almost military style, her dark hair done in a loose knot. He wanted to get his fingers into it.

Jason unfolded his tall frame from the little sports car. "Hey, beautiful." Snagging her around the waist, he pulled her to him before taking her lips in a long hot kiss.

When he finally came up for air she breathed, "Well, hello, handsome. I think you just squished our sandwiches."

He shrugged. "That’s okay."

They walked up to the front door and he unlocked it. The minute they were inside and the door shut, she was back in his arms, kissing him madly. He was just about to tackle the buttons down the front of her dress when she started to sink down in front of him. Unfastening the button and fly of his tailored pants, she had them open before he could blink. Impatiently, she worked them over his hips and released his swollen cock to the air.

"God, Lainey, what are you doing to me?"


"Shh, I’ve been thinking about this all morning," she confessed as she licked her lips, then slid them, warm and firm, around the head.

Rock-god Jase West has it all. Millions of adoring fans around the globe, money, women, cars and the talent that afforded him the extravagant lifestyle he enjoys. Until one day, when he takes a good look at himself and doesn’t like what he sees.

After fulfilling his contractual obligations, Jase quits the music business and goes back to school. Re-emerging as Jason Westlake, history teacher.

During Jason’s first set of parent-teacher interviews, he meets Lainey Clarkson, the single mother of one of his students, and he is immediately drawn to her. But Lainey is in the midst of a nasty divorce from a semi-famous pro football player and the last thing she wants is a relationship, especially with someone who is, or has been, in the limelight. However, Jason is pleasantly surprised to find that Lainey has no idea of his alter ego Jase West and decides to keep his celebrity status a secret for the time being until she falls for him. Reasoning that by then it will be too late for her to just walk away.

But when Lainey finds out that she has been lied to and manipulated again, Jason has to put on the performance of his life to win her back. Or for once, will the guy who’s used to getting everything lose out on the best thing that’s ever happened to him?

ROCK ME GENTLY just released yesterday! Yay!

Totally Bound     Amazon UK     Amazon US     Amazon Canada     ARe     Kobo     Sony  
Also Available in Print
   Barnes & Noble
 I hope you enjoyed today's tease. Don't forget to check out the other My Sexy Saturday Blog Hoppers HERE.

Have a Sexy Saturday!


  1. Men with secrets are so juicy :) Nice excerpt.

  2. Well, she definitely knows what she wants. Great excerpt! :-)

    1. LOL! Indeed, she does! :D Thanks for stopping, Jessica!

  3. He sounds delicious. Pity about the sandwiches but no doubt they'll both have their mouths full enough soon...

  4. Love the excerpt - I could picture both of them right away and feel their chemistry. Congrats on the release!

    1. Thanks Morticia and Congratulations to you too on the release and hitting the top 100 Bestsellers list at Amazon. So cool! :D

  5. Congrats on the release...and damn gotta love me a man with a secret. They always seem to bite them right on the ass.

    1. Thanks Dakota. Honesty and openness are the best policy, but secrets make for a much better story. LOL :D Thanks for stopping.

  6. And then there was head....

    So hot!

    - Bonnie

    1. LOL! You got that right, Bonnie!
      Thanks for stopping!
